Last Updated on November 19, 2024 by Keith E. McAndrews, Esquire
Many people will celebrate with friends and family this summer during Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day weekends. However, for some, the festivities may be cut short when the police charge them with driving under the influence (DUI). If you are facing a DUI charge, there are things that you can do to try and improve your chances of being successful in court.
Take Precautions if You Intend to Drink and Drive During a Summer Holiday Weekend
While celebrating Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, or Labor Day, be safe and take a few precautions to avoid getting pulled over for Driving Under the Influence. Here are a few tips:
- Make sure you know the Pennsylvania DUI laws. In Pennsylvania, an adult driver is over the legal limit if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is.08% or above within two hours of driving.
- Don’t drive if you’ve been drinking heavily. Even slight amounts of alcohol can impair your judgment and ability to operate a vehicle safely. If you want to celebrate responsibly, stick to light beers and wine.
- If you’re planning on drinking, designate someone else to get behind the wheel. Drunken driving is never worth the risk of getting caught or injuring yourself or others in an accident. Have a designated driver or Uber rideshare ready if you indulge in drinking this weekend.
- A driver who isn’t drunk will be able to keep a closer eye on you and ensure you get home safely and without any problems.
How Does Alcohol Affect a Person’s Driving?
When you drink alcohol, it enters your bloodstream and affects different parts of your body. One of the most important organs that alcohol can affect is your brain. When you drink, alcohol impairs your ability to think clearly and makes it harder to control your behavior. Unfortunately, Alcohol consumption can lead to risky behaviors such as drunk driving.
Each Person Reacts to Alcohol Consumption Differently
For people who are small or thin, alcohol is likely to affect them more quickly and strongly than those who are larger or heavier. In addition, a smaller person’s body has less mass to absorb the drink, meaning the alcohol will reach the brain and other organs more quickly.
Alcoholic beverages can cause nausea, dizziness, and even blackouts. Remember, even if you have only had a few drinks, you may be over the legal limit to drive in Pennsylvania.
Why Are There More DUI Arrests During the Summer Holiday Weekends?
Police departments nationwide see a surge in drunk driving arrests during holiday weekends. DUI arrests are higher on Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day than on any other weekend. The Pennsylvania State Police reported 503 DUI arrests over the Fourth of July weekend in 2021. There are several reasons for this increase in DUI arrests.
People Drink More During Holiday Gatherings and the Police Know It
During the summer months, people spend more time outdoors, barbecuing and drinking with friends and family. This increased alcohol consumption leads to more drunk drivers on the road. Additionally, police departments often increase patrols and DUI checkpoints during the summer holidays. As a result, more officers are on the lookout for drunk drivers.
What Do the Police Look for in Suspected DUI Drivers?
Police officers look for signs of impairment before and after pulling over drivers suspected of DUI. Common impairment signs include difficulty steering, slow response time, and poor coordination.
Police also use field sobriety tests to determine if a driver is impaired. You should always cooperate if the police pull you over for suspected drunk driving. In most cases, a driver should agree to take the field sobriety tests if requested by the police. A prosecutor may use an unexplained refusal to take field sobriety tests as evidence that you were driving under the influence.
What is Impaired Driving Behavior?
Erratic driving is one of the most obvious signs to police that a driver is under the influence. Unusual driving behaviors can include swerving, crossing over the broken white lines, speeding, coming to an abrupt stop, or running a red light or a stop sign. These types of actions can indicate that a driver may be impaired and will draw the attention of the police.
What Are Post Traffic Stop Signs of Driver Impairment?
When it comes to drinking and driving, law enforcement is always on the lookout for common signs that a person is under the influence of alcohol. One of the most apparent indicators police use to determine that a person is under the influence of alcohol is slurred speech.
If someone has difficulty forming words or speaking clearly, they likely have had too much to drink. Another sign is the odor of alcohol on their breath. Also, police officers may look for bloodshot eyes and difficulty standing or walking. In some cases, people may fumble with their driver’s license or other forms of identification.
What Should I Do if the Police Arrest me for DUI?
Once the police charge you with a DUI in Pennsylvania, you must immediately contact an experienced DUI lawyer. There are many possible legal defenses in a DUI case, and I will be able to advise you on the best course of action. It is also imperative to take steps to preserve any evidence related to the case, such as bodycam video, dashcam video, blood test results, or other physical evidence.
Contact Me for a Free DUI consultation
I have over a decade of experience representing people accused of driving under the influence of alcohol in Bucks County, Montgomery County, Delaware County, Chester County, and the surrounding Pennsylvania Counties. I will provide the strongest defense against the charges. Contact me at (215) 752-5282 for a free initial consultation or fill out the confidential contact form for an immediate response.
Can I Fight My DUI Case?
In many cases, yes. I understand the ins and outs of the Pennsylvania DUI law and will be able to help you develop all available DUI defenses. Numerous possible legal defenses may be available, including:
- Proving that the DUI police stop was illegal
- Establishing that the police lacked probable cause for the DUI arrest
- Demonstrating that the police did not perform the field sobriety tests correctly
- Showing that the DUI checkpoint was illegal under PA law
- Showing that the DUI checkpoint was unlawful under PA law
What are the Penalties for a First Offense DUI in Pennsylvania?
- General Impairment
- Offense Level: Ungraded misdemeanor
- 6 months of probation
- Fine – $300
- Alcohol highway safety classes and D&A treatment if ordered
- High BAC
- Offense Level: Ungraded misdemeanor
- Mandatory 48 hours in jail
- 12-month license suspension
- Fines range from $500 to $5,000
- Alcohol highway safety classes and D&A treatment if ordered
- Highest BAC or Refusal
- Offense Level: Ungraded misdemeanor
- Mandatory 72 hours in jail
- 12-month license suspension
- Fines range from $1,000 to $5,000
- Alcohol highway safety classes and D&A treatment if ordered
If the local police or Pennsylvania State Police charge you with DUI during the Memorial Day, Fourth of July, or Labor Day weekends, be sure to recognize the severe consequences you may face. Therefore, make arrangements to have an experienced DUI lawyer represent you in court. Remember, it is vital to have a solid defense to help reduce the chances of going to jail and losing your driving privileges.
Speak to a Top-Rated Pennsylvania DUI Lawyer
Contact me at (215) 752-5282 if you face DUI charges in Bucks County, Montgomery County, or any surrounding Pennsylvania Counties. I offer a free initial consultation for all DUI cases, including emergency DUI calls.